Fast-forward 750.73 points higher and 58% later, today’s headlines read:
Nov 14, 2014 the S&P 500 Closes at 2039.82, another New ALL-TIME Historic High!
Just imagine how excellent it would be if effectively timing the market were as simple as getting an email alert like the one above. Well, it is, but only if one is wise enough in forethought to get their email addresses on such an elite Action-Alert list. Fret not, for what you have read thus far is precisely how easy it is. Yes, it is that simple, and the results for monitoring the long-term trends in Gold & Silver are equally as impressive.
Simplicity | Security | Effective | Timing | Inexpensive but CRITICAL ASSURANCE
>> for the S&P 500 Index | GOLD & SILVER
In contrast to our typical lean toward sharing market opinions, charts, and various technical updates, this piece is for every last long-haul investor exposed to GOLD, SILVER, and the equity markets via S&P Index funds or ETF’s, and those who are too busy to pay any meaningful attention to the mechanics, emotions, and stability inherent within long-term market trends.
Finally, Back to Even and then some – Whew that was a close one
Are you one of the legions of self-directed "buy & hold" index investors sighing with relief that the stock market has finally returned your account balance to its former value of 14-YEARS ago?
Are you one of the few astute investors holding physical Gold & Silver for essential insurance wondering if those dollar-based market prices are ever going to recover from the recent smack down?
What will you do if these markets start to fall hard again? Do you have a long-term plan or strategy? If you do not, it is high time you get with an effective long-term Action-Alert program.
Within the past 12-years there have been two devastating bear markets wiping out more than 50% of account values associated with S&P index funds and ETF’s. What do you think the chances are that another such bear market will occur within the next few years?
We strongly suggest it prudent to consider the odds for such are rather high vs. nonexistent, and to manage your surplus savings accordingly. The same goes for those invested in Gold and Silver bullion.
From the equity side, all diehard disciples of buy-and-hold-for-the-long-haul are now breathing a huge sigh of relief that the equity markets have once again made their nest eggs whole from not one, but TWO DEVASTATING BEAR MARKETS SINCE THE TURN OF THE CENTURY.
Third chances do not often present themselves. Miss avoiding the next bear-market, and its likely three strikes – you’re out, and there may not be a third sigh of back-to-breakeven relief for a long, long, time. Who in their right mind wants to simply breakeven over the long haul anyway?
You can do better than that, much better.
The benchmark from which all others are measured
In truth, this should be the benchmark value metric of Gold and Silver however, until the Matrix shifts, paper markets rule – period.
Formally introduced in 1957, the S&P 500 index represents investments in 500 of the highest quality common stocks actively traded in the United States.
After the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500 is the most widely followed index. It has become a benchmark measure to which the investment community at large aspires to match and compare performance with.
Such common wisdom then persuades our collective reasoning toward investing blindly with confidence in such a sure thing.
Do NOT be seduced by this easy-way-out reasoning, we beg of you
Before buying hook line and sinker into the "sure thing" aspects of long-term buy & hold stock investing, one must first answer the following three questions:
1. What is your timeframe, or how long do you plan to keep your funds invested?
2. Are you willing to endure watching your hard-earned money lose half of its value over a period of 10-years or more?
3. What contingency plans will you put into effect if markets are at or near cyclical lows just when you planned to use those savings for their intended purpose?
If you are willing to roll the timing-dice and accept whatever fate the market delivers at your specific time of need, well then congratulations, you are a bona fide buy, hold, and hope investor.
If you are more of a stay-in-control of your own destiny type however, it is likely you will reject the egregiously flawed buy & hold sales pitch. If you are not quite sure just how to take charge, or how simple it can be, let us share with you some advice.
Regular checkups | Preventative Medicine
Do make it one of your highest priorities to obtain routine and reliable guidance relative to your self-directed savings invested in stock market index funds. Protecting your life-savings should be right up there with getting your annual physicals and keeping up with the premiums on your home and life insurance policies.
Just what the doctor ordered
For those who wish to be masters of their own destinies, Elliott Wave Technology is opening up its Guardian Revere Long-Term Trend Monitor Action-Alert service to select investors and professionals.
Fast, Simple, Easy, and Cheap
We have designed the service with extreme simplicity and ease of use in mind. Regardless of experience, ANYONE WITH A PULSE can use this simple notification service to insure the utmost in safety and profitability from his or her long-term investments in Gold, Silver, and/or the S&P 500 index.
If you have acquired physical Gold/Silver and/or own and self-direct investments in an S&P 500 index fund or ETF product, the Monitor is a must-have no-brainer service. The Action-Alerts are so good, and so reliable, that they are even safe for widows and orphans.
It’s not much, but it's ALL THAT YOU NEED; Here is what you get:
Four times a year you will get a general status-report for S&P 500, GOLD, and SILVER along with intermittent ACTION ALERT notifications exactly like the one at the beginning of this article as often market conditions warrant. It's that simple.
If you can understand the Action-Alert that opened this piece, you can benefit incredibly from this service. There is nothing more that you have to do. It’s sort of like set-it-and-forget. Just get on the Alert-List, and confidently go about your business without having to worry about all the market-hype, and emotionally driven news riddled with enough emotional hyperbole to drive anyone completely nuts.
Sure, should one wish to dissect, closely follow, analyze, study, and debate the charts in each report, there is plenty of relevant technical information for that – BUT ONLY IF THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE INTO.
To get the full benefits, there is no need to read charts or do anything else but to consider acting upon the issued ACTION-ALERTS, exactly as the one illustrated at the start of this article.
As everything here illustrates, acquiring this assurance policy for just pennies a day delivers a super big bang for the buck. Once you're covered, you can sit back, relax, and partake in the balance of life's journey with one less MAJOR worry.
Come on folks really, lift your heads from the sands of denial and for heaven sake, do something of strategic long-term value this weekend. Whatever you do, just don't be fooled again.